Displaced in Media Recipe Book

Por Hugo Clemente

Displaced in Media is a project devoted to foster the participation of young migrants and refugees in the media spheres of European societies to include their voices, desires and hopes into the general streams of mainstream media. Displaced in Media is a collaborative infrastructure that supports the training of a new generation of young citizen journalists drawn from Europe’s refugee and migrant diasporas. This project answers to the believe that refugees and migrants need to be participants in -rather than subjects of- public debate; this project has created an architecture to let refugees and migrants create the media images of their own. The project encourages active citizenship, combats segregation and discrimination and promotes the integration of migrants and refugees.


Media Literacy
As part of the program developed in the frame of the media literacy part of the project, European Cultural Foundation has developed a Recipe Book in which you can find a series of recipes to work with media literacy in the frame of the project. They are developed to work for others, so please, if you find it useful: share, remix, develop it in your own context.

Every recipe is part of the local actions coordinated by European Cultural Foundation and carried out by each of the partners in the project: Association of Creative Initiatives “ę” (Poland), Kurziv (Croatia), British Film Institute (UK), Fanzingo (Sweden), Les tetes de l’art (France), We are Here (Netherlands), Mode Istanbul (Turkey) and ZEMOS98 (Spain). If you want a hard copy of the Recipe Book, get in touch with us at info[at]zemos98.org or through any of our social media channels.

Together with the Recipe Book, ZEMOS98 developed a series of short videos visually showing what these recipes add to the debate around media literacy, and how they can help to produce an enriching public space in which everyone can feel represented.

The Video Recipes have been developed by ZEMOS98, together with Óscar Clemente (direction), Improvistos (illustrations), Hugo Clemente (script) and Kiko Romero (editing).


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